
Chapter 2 - Self


Self-awareness, Self Concept, and Self Esteem 

Self-Concept is defined as "Beliefs, attitudes, and values you have about yourself." (Chapter 2, p. 32).

Self Concept is a complex concept as we all perceive ourselves differently than how others do, which can lead us to conform to fit in with others or distance ourselves from social aspects altogether.  

We all struggle with self-concept as we want to be ourselves but want to fit in with a group of people. I find that my self-concept is very similar to how others view me even if I have to change certain aspects of how I present myself in certain situations. Knowing this has allowed me to really just be myself and not change much when talking to new people, as I know even if they don't appreciate me my closest friends still will.

Due to this, I tend to not actively look for new friends even if my current friends are not locally around anymore. I would love to find new friends and be accepted by them but I have this underlying consensus that they are not my people and I don't actually want them around. This is why I struggle with self-concept because I have the concept that I do not need to be anyone else as I have already found people that accept me for who I am.

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